Speak & perform at events 🪩 Host shows 🪩 Host 3d events 🪩 exhibit in virtual galleries 🪩

Speak & perform at events 🪩 Host shows 🪩 Host 3d events 🪩 exhibit in virtual galleries 🪩

Build Authority + get attention

Did you know women receive only 1 out of every 4 media opportunities?

At AWEDACITY, we decided it’s time to level the playing field!

We don't just help you get noticed – we make sure you're impossible to ignore by creating powerful opportunities for authority-building content that demands attention.

Whether you're commanding the mic on your streaming show or leading conversations at your exclusive event, AWEDACITY positions you as a force to be reckoned with.

Step into the spotlight and claim your authority today!

Projects & EVENTS

AWEDACITY STUDIO - now streaming!



VIP Membership
Every month

Grow your digital empire with us! Create your own show, stream it to over 10 platforms, and drive the traffic to your site. Curate your own branded immersive headquarters and use it to host launches and collabs or paid events, workshops, and courses. This membership has all the support you need!

✓ Consultation & Strategy Session monthly
✓ 8 Hours Streaming Content weekly
✓ Custom 3D Space
✓ Launch & Event Support


from the founders

We founded AWEDACITY because we recognized a critical need in the digital landscape. Women are significantly underrepresented in media, holding only 24% of news subject roles globally. This disparity limits their opportunities to be seen and heard as authorities in their fields (Global Media Monitoring Project, 2020).

We believe that authority-building is crucial for women to be successful in the digital economy. Our mission is to digitally empower women around the world by creating opportunities for them to share their expertise, amplify their voices, and build their authority.

AWEDACITY is more than just a brand; it's a movement to ensure women get the recognition and opportunities they deserve. We're committed to breaking down barriers and paving the way for a more inclusive and equitable digital future.

Join us in our mission to empower women and transform the digital landscape.

Nathania & Stephanie
Co-Founders, AWEDACITY